The Image of God
Kieli: englanti
Koko: 170 x 244 mm B5
Sivuja: 373
47 kuvaa
ISBN: 978-952-92-7219-8
Painettu: 2010
Kustantaja: Datakirjat
Hinta: 20,00 €
– Introduction
– Summary of the book
– The Physical Universe
– The Living World
– The Uniqueness of Man
– Creation and Fall
The Image of God
Creation or Evolution
Pekka Reinikainen
The purpose of this book is to serve as a source of information that can be
used in teaching about creation. Examples from human anatomy and physiology
illustrate design that cannot arise from mutations and natural selection.
I have compiled scientists’ texts from hundreds of books and articles.
I want to make these notes freely available for all who desire to use this
material to defend the authority of the Bible. Genesis is a historical document.
Creation is no side issue in the Bible. It is referred to over 300 times.
Today’s scientific discoveries show that it is obvious that the universe has been created.
There is God; there is no doubt about that. The theory of evolution cannot explain life.
It does not have a mechanism for producing and conserving the versatile language of life
that is written in our genes. The new perspective of the inner workings of the DNA molecule
in our cells is overturning a host of long-held assumptions about the nature of genes.
DNA is not just a string of biological code but a dauntingly complex operating system
that contains many more levels of information than previously appreciated. Bill Gates
has noted that DNA is like a computer program, but far, far more advanced than any
software we’ve ever created. The DNA molecule and the information on it is a product
of intelligent design. ”Made in Heaven” is written all over our genes.
Naturalistic materialism has no answer to the question of origins. The universe cannot
reasonably be explained as a cosmic accident. Evidence for an intelligent designer
becomes more compelling the more we understand about our carefully crafted world.
When you understand the logic of creation, you will see the very nature of reality
in a new light and the evidence of design in the universe becomes immediately
understandable. Any person who has experienced this knows what I mean. My prayer
is that also your eyes might be opened so that you could see the magnificent
creation around us and that you might get to personally know the Creator of
the universe, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Pekka Reinikainen on kirjoittanut merkittävän kirjan ihmisen ainutlaatuisuudesta. Lääkärinä hän tuntee hyvin ihmiskehon monimutkaiset toiminnot. Minulla oli kunnia tutustua hänen kirjaansa jo sen valmistusvaiheessa. Kirja pysäytti minut pohtimaan ihmiskehon äärimmäisen monimutkaisia ja tarkasti ohjattuja säätelyjärjestelmiä. Verenkiertoa ja -hyytymistä säädellään. Kehon lämpötila, suolatasapaino, happo/emästasapaino, erilaisten ionien pitoisuudet, hengitys, munuaisten toiminta ja lukuisat muut kehon toiminnot ovat tarkasti säädeltyjä. Biologiset toimintomme ovat epäilemättä suunniteltuja. Reinikainen tuo avoimesti esille uskonsa Raamatun Jumalaan kaiken luojana ja ylläpitäjänä ja osoittaa erilaisten evoluutiotarinoiden ja -spekulaatioiden köykäisyyden biologian selittäjänä. Suosittelen kirjaa jokaiselle joka haluaa ymmärtää ihmisen ainutlaatuisuutta Jumalan kuvaksi luotuna kokonaisuutena.
TkT Matti Leisola, Biotekniikan emeritusprofessori